RHP Pre-SessionQuestionnairePlease complete the form below! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Date of Session * MM DD YYYY Time of Session * Hour Minute Second AM PM Type of Session * Simple Full Option to add on videography: * OSCRTV will film your photo session and create the video from the time spent together with no additional work or time commitment on your end! Yes, please check Oscar's availabilty! Maybe next time! No, thank you. Please list all people who will be photographed during your session. Include ages of all children. * Please describe the personalities of your child(ren). Tell me about some of their favorite things, or things they're not such fans of. I want to get to know them! Would you like help styling your session? * Yes! I have no clue what to wear. Nope. I got this and will share my ideas with you. I have some ideas, but could use a little help. Explain your style in 10 words or less. This could be your clothing style, home decor style, favorite things, etc. * Where do you typically shop for your family's wardrobe? * Do you have a color palette you prefer for your outfits? Also, please let me know of any colors you wish to avoid wearing. * If you have an idea, generally speaking, what are you and/or your child(ren) wearing? If you have outfits set, please email or text photos for me to take a look at. If you are struggling with outfits and want some help, please let me know! I'd be happy to help style your session. If your session will take place outdoors, please indicate the type of location you would like. Check as many boxes as you'd like and we'll find the right spot! (if you're doing an in-studio milestone session, don't worry about this section) * Please share any goals or hopes that you have for your session. If you have looked through the images on RH Photography social media pages or website galleries, are there any specific images youβre particularly drawn to or would like to try during your session? Senior Session (only): Are you an athlete, musician, dancer, etc? If so, do you wish to incorporate your talents/interest into your senior session? If adding on hair & makeup to your session: Please describe the hair and make up style you are looking for. i.e.- Hair: blown out, curls, waves, or pinned up. Make up: light, heavy, eye shadow color, lip color, etc. Please be as detailed as possible so the stylist can be prepared for your time together. Anything else that would be important for Robin to know before your session? This is a great spot to list any health concerns or physical restrictions that she should be aware of. Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire! I will be reaching out to you soon to finalize location and styling needs.-RHP